Rem is a fictional character from the fantasy light novel and anime series Re: Zero. created by Tappei Nagatsuki. This adorable Re anime sex doll was well designed according to the real anime character Rem. She will be the best companion for any anime lover.
A new outfit will be sent together with this doll. it’s free here!
This doll can be shipped to the US. EU. CA. AU. NZ but we cannot ship it to India. Brazil and any Islamic countries.
BULULU will provide great products and services. please feel free to order now!
Height: 123 cm
Bra size: C Cup
Waistline: 43cm
Hips: 71cm
Oral:11 cm
Vagina: 14 cm
Anus: 12 cm
Weight: 16 kg
Package Size: 118*37*27